Need to Open a PRN File?

Download CorelDRAW to open your file now.

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What is a PRN File?

PRN file format contains instruction sets for printers. This format specifies and instructs the printers many controls, like what to print on the page, what the paper size is, which paper tray to use, etc. This format gets created automatically by the printer drivers when a printing command is given. Normally the process of creating PRN file isn’t visible but users can intercept and keep the file before printing a document. The intercepted PRN files can be opened with another device, even the original application of the document is not required. PRN files retain exact details of how a documents or images should be printed and can be used in CorelDRAW for modification and extraction of original files.

How to open PRN files with CorelDRAW

  1. Launch CorelDRAW
  2. Choose File > Open
  3. Find the PRN file you wish to open
  4. Select the File(s)
  5. Edit & Save Your File!

Open PRN files on Mac

  • Compatible with:
  • macOS 10.14
  • macOS 10.13
  • macOS 10.12

Open PNG files on Mac

  • Compatible with:
  • macOS 10.14
  • macOS 10.13
  • macOS 10.12

CorelDRAW Opens PRN Files and many more file formats

We designed CorelDRAW Graphics Suite to open a wide range of file format, including all of the following: