Newsletter Design: The Ultimate Guide

Whether it's for a business, a volunteer cause, or just your hobby, newsletters are one of the most powerful modes of communication for you and your community, but it's easy to wield that power improperly. A well-designed newsletter can create opportunities for your business, but a clumsy, unwieldy one can turn your customers away. The idea of starting a newsletter may be overwhelming, but you only need a few things to get going.

How a newsletter can work for you

Your newsletter is your voice. Whether it's daily, weekly, or monthly, keeping your customers aware of your business can translate to more engagement, which leads to more sales. Even if you're running a newsletter just for fun, if your audience grows large enough, you'll have access to better opportunities and more support.

The necessary parts of a newsletter

Odds are if you're sending out a newsletter, you've already curated a mailing list. What you might need to add to your website now is a form for visitors to sign up for your newsletter. Be sure to share some highlights of what they'll be receiving in their inbox. Once you've sent your newsletter out, make your readers want to open it with a fun and relevant subject line.

A good newsletter starts with a header. This is where you put your group's logo, slogan, or other identifiers. It makes your content look more professional and makes it easily identifiable. If a new reader found it, they'd know where to go for more information.

The most important part of your newsletter is, of course, your content. You can't send out an empty page! Break up your text with images, color blocks with larger font, or just plain white space. Be sure not to overcrowd your content—overwhelming your readers makes it less likely they'll digest all the information and come back for more. Don't forget to include a call to action, whether it's a donation to your nonprofit or a link to view your current promotion.

Your newsletter started with a header, so close it out with a corresponding footer. Your audience knows your web address, but sharing a contact email here would be good to offer any support they might need while purchasing your products or engaging with your content. You can also give them the chance to connect with you further on social media. This is also where you would give them the option to unsubscribe from your mailing list.

Design ideas to help you stand out

There are many things to consider while designing your newsletter, but here are three of the most impactful:

  • Hierarchy: Make use of headlines and subheadlines in your newsletter. Your newsletter not only looks more organized, but is easier for readers to consume and retain. If there are sections they're not interested in, they know they're not missing anything because it's already been summarized.
  • Images and Icons: Text is not enough. While being informative is the main purpose of your newsletter, a wall of words is hard to sit through. Break it up with relevant images. One image per headline is the minimum for most newsletters, but if your stories are long, include more. Use images with contrasting color palettes so your page doesn't run together.
  • Responsiveness: Take the time to view your newsletter in a mobile layout, either on a phone or through a browser simulator. Ensuring that they have a good experience regardless of the device they're on increases the chance that they'll read it as soon as they see it, so your newsletter won't be forgotten or half-read.

Software to help you design your newsletter

The CorelDRAW graphic design suite has everything you need to get your newsletter started. The typography tools and royalty-free images can help you design an impactful newsletter for your community to keep them engaged and informed. Try CorelDRAW Standard today to see how the graphic design tools can help you build your business.

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