Brochure Examples: The Ultimate Guide

Creating a brochure is an excellent way to share information about your product or your company, allowing interested consumers to get a better idea of exactly what you have to offer and how it can impact them. Choosing the right type of brochure design can help your product stand out, increase interest in what you have to offer, and encourage consumers to choose your brand.

Examples of Brochures

Brochures come in many forms. The type of brochure you want to use may depend on the information you want to share with your audience, including what you most want to highlight.

Data Visualization

Data visualization allows you to pull out specific information and highlight it in a way that will allow readers to visualize that data. You may want to use graphs with strong visual impact. A data visualization brochure might contain less text and fewer images.

Informative Text

An informative brochure might, in some cases, contain large amounts of text and information. For example, if you're telling readers about a destination they might want to visit, you might want to use informative text. Make your brochure stand out by breaking it up, adding colors, images, and iconic text that will break up the wall of text and make it more visually appealing.

Maps and Timelines

Often, you may want to display information in a specific, visual way. A map or timeline can help display that information, either on its own or in conjunction with other text throughout your brochure. Make sure your map or timeline is large enough to be easily read and absorbed.

Contrasting Colors and Bold Fonts

Throughout your brochure, you may have specific information that you want to stand out. Contrasting colors and bold fonts can catch the eye, drawing attention directly to the facts, call to action, or question that you most want users to note when they view your brochure. You may want to use one font style or color for most of the information on your brochure and then use another to help specific segments stand out.


Most brochures contain clear images that increase understanding of the content or draw attention to specific areas. Most often, in a brochure, you'll want to use clean images that highlight precisely what you want readers to note. However, using a collage can create a busy, engaging look at multiple activities within a specific image.

Handwritten Touches

Often, a handwritten touch can add an extra creative element to your brochure. Handwritten fonts have become increasingly popular as a way to differentiate brands or help specific information stand out. Many creators may also add in sketches rather than finished images.

Call to Action

Your brochure likely includes a call to action: a specific action that you want your reader to take after viewing the brochure. You may want to highlight your call to action with a different font or color.

Bright Colors

Today's trends lean toward bright colors to help create effects. You may want to experiment with color gradients, frames around photos, or bold images that will call attention to your brochure.

Simple Lists

If you have information that can be broken down into a short, simple list, consider presenting it that way. You may want to number your list, add images, or use the list to call out the information you want to highlight.


Creating a great brochure can help you share information and connect with people who might be interested in your brand. Need help creating those stunning brochures? Check out CorelDRAW to access a library of templates that can help you create more effective brochures.

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